Destroy Black magic & Negative Energy, removes fear of death, cure incurable disease, remove previous birth effect.
Black Magic and Bad Evil Tantra will be destroyed and finished by prayers of Maa Kali completely. Further she will protect her devotee from all the forms of black magic.
Benefits: Remove long-lasting illness, Black magic, its effects and evil spirits. Diseases which cannot be cured, Bad effect of Saturn planet, Betrayal by partner, spouse or best friend, destroys disloyalty, cheating and wrong person from your life.
The Puja rituals are performed by learned priests in strict accordance with Vedic rituals.
Reunion of family Members, Deepen Your Relationship Bond, bring your family closer together.
Worshiping to Goddess Durga Mata will strengthen the family bond and brings happiness in their lives Reunion of family members and clear obstacles.
Benefits: Removes Depression, Stress, Family Break up, Bad luck, Bad sleep,
Enimity, Family problems, Relatiosnship problems etc.
Durga Mata puja needs to be performed following the rituals strictly.

Eliminating fear from your lives, remove negative energy chest pains or panic attacks.
Those having mental or psychological problems like depression, anxiety, fear, or long standing health problems will be cleared and be blessed.
Benefits: Remove and destroy of all types of negative energy, black magic, spells, curse, or one who facing adultery, laziness, fickle mindedness, procrastination etc.
Lord Hanuman puja needs to be performed following the rituals strictly.
For starting new job-business, Help Advance Your Career growth, promotion in job and success
Ganesh ji is lord of good fortune who provides prosperity, fortune and success. And the Remover of Obstacles of both material and spiritual kinds.
Benefits: Students perceiving education, to achieve success in life and helps improve earnings, grow up in career, overcome obstacles in life, improve savings.
Lord Ganesh ji puja needs to be performed following the rituals strictly.

Keeping everything balance in Life, To give happy present life It gives relief from relationship troubles
Lord Siva is the destroyer of death, Rudra homam is a powerful homam for cleaning
previous birth effect. By performing Rudra homam we can get victory over death.
Benefits: Relief from unexpected problem, Remove fear of death, Overcomes illness and helps to attain success in life, gives good health and prosperity.
Lord Shiva puja needs to be performed following the rituals strictly.
Reunion of family Members, Deepen Your Relationship Bond, bring your family closer together.
Months of october and november are best suited for this special Lakshmi puja. Chanting of Lakshmi Mantra gives wealth, riches, beauty, youth and health.
Benefits: Wealth of Infinite prosperity, good luck, winning lottery, savings of money, property and cleares all financial difficulties gives fortune and income.
The Puja rituals are performed by learned priests in strict accordance with Vedic rituals.